The week started with a trip to Garden City to get the hearing aid cleaned. In itself not hard but Mum got upset that I hadn't done it in the morning going in the afternoon and then thought, although I had told her I was taking it that it had been stolen. Bob had to calm her. Oh Dear!
Having got the Christmas period over I then became obsessed with introducing the respite issue. Having not enjoyed being left in the morning I pointed out that if she didn't like being left alone she had to consider respite. "But I dont mind being on my own " she said although she had been in tears over it a couple of hours earlier.
The respite situation simmered along, me trying to introduce it at every opportunity, her getting upset, me getting angry.
Anyway I made another attempt to call the carers counselling line. "It's not me that needs counselling " I said "It's my mother who won't accept respite," but of course it is me because the whole situation is making me very angry and who knows what it is doing to my health.Anyway they reinforced the things I have been doing like keeping on presenting it to her and being strong against her manipulative behaviour.
Any way we let up for abit and then one day Bob got her to agree to go and have a look at the place. Well she could not fail to be impressed. It's all new and luxury plus plus but cleverly they showed no areas with old people in them. Anyway she more or less agreed it would be alright but I will not believe it happening until she is safely installed there on April 22 nd